Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hair hair hair

Before and after, clearly. The last time I cut my hair, I told my self I was going to go a year without cutting it. What a fool, I can never make it much more than eight months. My ends were getting slightly disgusting and my hair was like, seriously, long. Scary hippie long. Unmanageable and heavy and the hottest mess. So I got it cut, brought back the bangs, and obviously I lost my mind and dyed it. I haven't dyed my hair since 2008. I stopped dying it because my hair was fried and I wanted to see what my natural hair color really was. I was a redhead through high school, went blonde for a bit in college, and then rocked the uber dark almost black for a while.

Turns out I really like my natural hair color and have rocked it for almost 5 years, but I was itching to mix it up. So I went ombre and had my ends lightened and then got real crazy and put two little purple streaks in it. These purple babies wont last for long, but I've always wanted purple in my hair and I love it! The only reason I went with this look is that since the roots are natural, I don't have to dye it again any time soon, if ever. And I'm not going to lie, I miss my natural hippie hair a little already. But this is really fun and hair is just hair and it will grow back. Plus, if there's anything to make you look younger it is purple in your hair. And I'm all for looking younger.

I got my hair cut and dyed by Damien at Birds Barbershop on South Congress. It took over three hours (I have too much hair!) and he was a damn rockstar, and I love my hair. If you need color work done, go see Damien.

Previous hair cuts, in which my hand is perpetually glued to my hip and I'm always wearing blue?

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