Saturday, May 11, 2013

An update on life outside of food

I haven't blessed your eyeballs with a crappy webcam photo of myself in a while, y'all. Wish granted.

I feel like all I post these days is food. I mean, really, that's all it is. I swear that eating is not all that's happening in my little life. But honestly, there is a lot of eating. I love food. Here are some tidbits that aren't edible (and by tidbits I mean paragraphs of rambling):

Brendon and I have decided to stay in our little apartment for another year. After much debating and a little disappointing apartment and house hunting, we decided that it wasn't worth the effort, and mostly it wasn't worth the moola. Moving is expensive and rent is cray cray here in Austin right now. We have a pretty good deal where we are now, and we kind of love our crazy apartment (just not our neighbors), so we're staying put. It was a big relief to finally throw in the towel on finding a new place, because really, who has time for that?

We have started running again! We both missed running and are working on getting back into the habit of running on a regular basis. The Town Lake trail has been seeing a lot of us. My body hates it and loves it. We're running the Autism Speaks 8k at the end of the month... wish us luck. Brendon is in great shape but I've got a loooong ways to go. I forsee a lot of walking during that 8k.

I've been working more than I've ever worked in my life lately. It's kind of a normal thing, but it's taking it's toll on me. I'm exhausted all the time. There is never ever enough sleep. This may also be due to something I'll discuss in a bit, but working like I am sure isn't helping. It's worth it, but sheesh. Your girl needs a vacation, stat.

Brendon just has one more final left on Tuesday and then he is done for the semester and half way through pharmacy school (hell yes). Unfortunately his first hospital rotation starts the week after, and it is in TEMPLE, TX. Over an hour away. Thankfully it is just for two weeks and he will be home for the weekends, but it is going to seriously suck. I can't even think about it. BUH.

Oh crap, this one is food related. Brendon and I are going partially vegetarian! We are going to be almost vegetarians at home, which means no more buying meat at the grocery store. And I say almost because I cannot live without bacon. Breakfast tacos are probably my favorite food and I need bacon in them. Everything else meat related is out though. We'll be eating meat away from home (the burger quest is still on), but just in an effort to eat a little better we wont be having it here at home. I'm interested to see how it works out and excited for the culinary challenge. Bring on your veggie recipes y'all!

Prepare yourself for some TMI, but my body is in a state of rebellion these days. I have recently swapped birth controls to try to control the ridiculous adult acne that I'm dealing with (I'm 25 with plenty of grey hairs coming in, get the zits out of here), and therefore am dying via an onslaught of new hormones. I'm blaming this as the reason that I am exhausted all the time, have an incredibly achy body, am prone to bouts of sadness (like serious down days, no sunshine and rainbows at all), and surprise, am breaking out even more than usual. It sucks real bad and the future Dr. Hogan keeps telling me it will be worth it but mostly I just want to give him a knuckle sandwich. PLEASE BE WORTH IT.

And a think that's about it as far as my recent life goes. But don't let this post fool you, my life really is just food. There is something yummy cooling on the kitchen counter that I'll blog about soon, don't worry.

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