Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Why yes, that is the Twilight Saga next to the Fifty Shades of Gray trilogy. Sometimes I'm a silly girl, don't judge.

Sheesh! December is always busy but dang, this year it seems extra crazy. I've been slightly absent from the blog because life you guys. Life. 

I have recently become the big boss lady at work, got that General Manager status y'all! Brendon just finished up his semester yesterday, so I have my husband back for a few weeks! It had been study city up in the Hogan residence you guys. Study study study, with little movie breaks (somehow we fit in the new Batman trilogy).

But as crazy as life is and no matter how much I wish it would slow down sometimes, it is still so good. This holiday season has been full of all kinds of goodness already. It's a bit sad that it is almost over (6 days till Christmas? Get out!), but at the same time I will be glad for things to slow down and life to resume its normal pace of craziness instead of running constantly in craziness overdrive.

So I leave you with two little creatures who have no concept of holiday (or any sort of) busyness or stress. Two creatures who think that we put up the Christmas tree just for them, and that the presents underneath are an obstacle course.

As usual, Sophie refuses to show her face. But I'll fill you in on what she was doing; chewing on a present. 

I had to leave a path for Greg, he refuses to go around the tree. Sorry family if your presents are a bit smooshed. Our cats are anything but skinny.

And this has nothing to do with anything, but amidst my blogging absence I made this and it was delicious:

And yes, that is yet another Smitten Kitchen recipe. I told you that book was life changing.

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