Thursday, February 7, 2013

52 weeks of baking: 6 - yellow cake

My favorite cake in the world used to be Duncan Hines golden yellow cake with chocolate icing. I haven't had it in years but I remember it being fluffy, simple, and delicious. So for this weeks baked goodie, I made a yellow cake with chocolate icing. And of course, I used a Smitten Kitchen recipe. This recipe.

One day, I'll have a big girl kitchen with counter space. One day.

This cake was good, don't get me wrong, but it fell a little short in the icing department. I was slgihtly intrigued by a sour cream icing, but I guess I just looked over the fact that it had two and a quarter cups of sour cream in it, so needless to say it was quite sour. Deb warns you in the recipe, and I've made her suggested alternative and I know it's delicious, but I was sucked in by the idea of an icing without butter or sugar. My sweet tooth should have known better. Butter and sugar always win.

Regardless, the actual cake is perfect and even though the icing is a tad sour, it is still pretty dang good all together. Just slightly off. I will no doubt recreate this bad boy at some point, with the alternative chocolate butter cream icing.

Can we just take a moment and talk about how much I love this baking every week project? It is so fun. I look forward to it every week. I love researching and planning and picking out a special recipe. I'm letting Brendon pick next week's, prepare yourselves. Taking photos is also so fun, I've really started to love taking pictures, and I just happen to love food too so it works out well.

Life has been crazy lately. My sunshine and rainbows have been a little hard to see, but baking my weekly treat has been a bright little ray of happiness. It's the little things that get you through the big things. And having dessert to munch on all week never hurts.

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